Saturday, January 26, 2013

Faster, Fitter Me

A Whole New Year - A Whole New Race Season

Preride:  Lesson learned from last years racing season, preriding the course helps in strategy and alleviates fear.  A group of us rode the night before the race, but the course wasn't completed so we made our best guess as to where it was going to be and rode about eight miles.  My legs felt great and I was worried that I was pushing myself too hard and wouldn't do well at race time. 

Mary and I; geared up and ready to ride

"I can say that was fun, now that it is
over." -My Friend Mary 

 I was so nervous  before this race.  I got about four hours of sleep, last night.  Last year, I was in terrible shape and raced to get out of my comfort zone.  This year, I wanted to win!  OK, maybe just finish without being 20 minutes behind the female in front of me.  I had also made a new friend, Mary.  She decided to race with me.

Friendship is a scary thing.  On the one hand, I wanted us both to do our best.  On the other, I wanted to beat Mary.  I had been riding with her for the last month (over 200 miles of mountain biking - I think we said 214 miles so far) and I knew she was strong on the ups and wicked fast on the downs.  I decided to take the higher road and took her out on the course a couple times to show her hills I remembered from last year and gave her pointers I had recieved when I was a newbie.  She's a friend worth keeping.  I think this is why I was so nervous.  I didn't want to lose to Mary, but I also didn't want to beat her.  She's the first female I have ever met that is mechanically capable, like me.  She also has a passion for life I lack and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE hanging out with her.  I have laughed more in January riding with Mary, than I have in all of 2012.

Final pit stop, before the race.
The start was wicked fast.  We flew up the road and onto the first single track at over ten miles per hour.  In comparison, last year, I averaged 6 mph on my first race and 8 mph on my last.  I knew it was going to be a fast start because we were ripping down a shallow, long descent before hitting the second most evil hill in the race.  At this point I was right on Mary's back tire and praying I could hold on at this pace.  So much for riding my own race, I was out to show off my fitter, faster me and threw all my training out the window on that start.

As we headed up the first hill, I passed a couple people - a new concept for me as I am used to BEING passed.  I was back at Mary's back tire and spinning up the hill.  I told her to keep spinning as I knew this was a long, steep up and she responded but I was so busy gasping for air, I completely missed her response.  At the top, we ripped down another descent that was super bumpy, and scary for me since I crashed hard on this one, last fall.

Super bumpy descent - note:  someone is behind me, for a change
As we came through the counting corral for the first time, I felt a little calmer.  I also knew that if I didn't pull in front of my friend, Mary, I was going to lose to her.  So, I did the mean thing and pulled past her on the pavement just before hitting the single track on the other side of the road.  I then tried to calm myself.  I was still in sight of the other women when we hit the yuckiest hill on the course.  I have walked this hill so many times in my life, I can't even count.  I actually made it up for the first time at our preride.  There was hope as my heart started to beat harder and riders started to die in place.  I even passed a guy - I was shocked.  In my head, I was thinking, "Mary is right behind me, I have to get up this hill."  Then I thought, "hey, I'm keeping up with the crowd of females, now I HAVE to get up this hill."  I did and that was the last time I saw my best pal, Mary.  Unbeknownst to me, her chain popped off and she had a broken tooth on her big ring.  She rides a 2 x 10 so this meant her whole race was in her granny ring - OUCH!  Been there, done that!
Coming through the counting corral - lap 1
 This race was a ton of first for me.  First time up that evil hill I mentioned earlier.  First time not walking during lap 1.  First time getting up (and I did this both laps) this stupidly, steep bump (picture below).  I was so thrilled, I almost screamed with joy.  I was too shy for a shout so I let out my scream in a sigh and continued up yet another hill.
Stupidly, steep bump with a sharp right at the top
 As I worked my way through lap 2, I had to slow my pace and lost the gals ahead of me.  Don't know where anyone was behind me, either.  Typical race for me.  NOBODY in sight.  I knew Mary was a fast down hill rider and knowing she was strong enough to catch me, I went down hills faster than I have ever dared.  All the time I was thinking, "Mary's right behind me, I can't back down.  One mistake and she will get passed me."  If I had known she had bike problems, I would have slowed down.  I was pushing so hard, I had no extra air.  I was sweating like a pig in 52 degree weather and the salty sweat was blinding me as it dripped passed my eyes (or through them).  I continued to push.  My legs felt heavy.  I backed off and spun out the feeling then sped up the second I felt them loosen.

Last and final hill.  She was a bear.  I actually had no hill left in me and got off my bike to hike the steepest part.  My thoughts left Mary.  I was now worried that my race buddy, Lee, would see me off my bike.  Last year, it was guaranteed that the second I stepped off my bike, Lee would pass by.  I swear it.  So I started actually jogging my bike up that steep part.  No WAY was I getting caught by Lee.  I jumped back on and finished my fastest race EVER!  And I was WIPED OUT!!!

I think my look says it all.

It's all about looking the part - note my gloves
and nails match my Team Tough Chik uniform. 

I have to say, I finished in second place.  I am so thrilled!  Who would have thunk I'd ever get there?  I sure didn't have that kind of confidence.  I also know I was only a few minutes behind the first place lady, Anna.  She aged up and was sneaky about it.  I had seen her in front of me almost the whole first lap.  I biffed it on an uphill and lost her.  Not knowing she was my competition, I let her go.  I would have really pushed harder (if it was possible) had I known she was in my age category.
The best part was, Mary took third.  I got to share podium with my best pal.  I am also sure we can catch Anna before the season ends.  Mary is a strong rider and I am a stubborn one.  Between the two of us, maybe we can go one, two some day.
Best race EVER!!!