Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Losing Confidence Can Be a Big Hurdle

Getting Back on the Bike



That would be me!  I look great!  All my gear matches and I am even a member of a great group of women on a team called "Tough Chik." 



What few of my team mates know is that I rarely ride my bike anymore.  Every time I get back on, I crash and have to start over.  How discouraging is that?  My latest is a very bruised (but not broken) tail bone.  Makes riding a bit rough.  I think I have lost my inner TC (touch chick).


I think I scared myself badly enough that it made me realize I was a mortal.  Now, I want to do safe things - read nothing at all - and be careful and cautious.  BUT, I love the people I met through riding and so I  still get out once in a while and consistently bonk on my rides.  I am grossly out of shape.


Can Monterey be so dull that there is no more inspiration in me?  No more spark for a great ride on the trails?  I know them so well and when I go out and ride, I can recognize our need for rain as the sand pits are getting bigger.  The dust is getting more noticeable and the poison oak is out of control.


It's time to get my body moving and back into some kind of healthy groove.  I will start with some swimming until my tail bone gets back to normal.  Maybe some running (MAYBE).  For sure some walking - I have a couple dogs to keep me moving. 


Because I started this blog to share my joy of riding and travel experiences.  I named it "Me and My Bike" for a reason.  Because I love biking that much.  We were going places, my bike and I, and having a great time.  I want that back.  That feeling of mastering a rock garden or going over a scary, super exposed section without putting my feet down.  I need that challenge back and the exhilaration of doing something I though was too hard.  Time to get back in my groove.  NO MORE EXCUSES!

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